Alternate Fuel Storage & Transportation Solutions

Passenger Bus Solution
Roof Mounted Storage System
Transport Solution – MEGCs
Composite Cylinders

Evolution of Compressed Natural Gas Storage

With the impending Euro 6 implementation in India by April,2020 the emission norms are getting stricter for the automotive sector.
Due to technology limitations of ICE vehicles, already automotive OEMs are moving out of some Diesel segments as it becomes unviable for them.
The plausible way out is with Alternate Fuel Systems (H2, CNG, Bio-CNG, HCNG) which can match & also exceed the Euro 6 norms.

It is estimated that by 2025, 50% of the vehicles in India would be running on Alt Fuel.
To provide safe & sturdy storage, Composite Type 3 Cylinders are expected to be the front runners due to their several advantages apart from Light Weighting & superior DGE.

Types of Pressure Vessel

Type 1 steel tanks are the most common (>90%worldwide)

• Heritage: Industrial gas storage tanks
• Economies of scale in small diameters

Hoop-wrapped & full-wrapped tanks (Type 2 & Type 3) have load-sharirig between metal and composite.Composite materials provide weight reduction.
All-composite tanks (Type 4) yield further weight reduction, however there is constant permeation, weak neck which may lead to potential stress due to thermal & mechanical activities.

Light Weighting solution with Composite Type 3 Cylinders – Aluminum Shell With Full Carbon Wrap for On-Board & Multi Element Gas Containers (MEGCs).

Why Type 3 Cylinders

• 25-28% more usable gas under “Fast Fill”
• Lower cost per usable DGE
• Gas-tight liner, no gas permeation
• Increased durability for rugged environments and side impact resistance
• Higher safety factor compared many Type 4’s
• Ductile versus brittle failure mode
• Higher thermal conductivity

Applications for High Pressure Storage Systems

Pressure Range Service / Application
200 Bar (2900 Psi) NG Automotive Fuel
223 Bar (3200 Psi) NG Transport
250 Bar (3600 Psi) Storage at NG Filling Station & for Oxygen Storage & Transport
350 Bar (5000 Psi) Hydrogen Bus & Truck Fuel
450 Bar (6500 Psi) Hydrogen Transport & Filling Station
700 Bar (10100 Psi) Hydrogen Filling Station

Compressed Natural Gas Market

Country Natural Gas Vehicles(a) N/m³monthly sales average Refuelling stations Tank Technologies
Iran 2,859,386 467,000,000 1,800 Type 1
Pakistan 2,850,500 - 3,300 Type 1
Argentina 2,044,131 240,225,000 1,902 Type 1,3
Brazil 1,702,790 165,210,000 1,792 Type 1
India 1,100,000 - 683 Type 1
Italy 761,340 62,030,000 858 Type 1, 2,3
China 600,000 - 2,500 Type 1, 3, 4
Colombia 348,747 45,000,000 651 Type 1
Uzbekistan 310,000 - 175 Type 1
Thailand 267,735 - 444 Type 1
Armenia 244,000 26,520,000 345 Type 1
Ukraine 200,019 83,000,000 294 Type 1
Bangladesh 200,000 59,470,000 600 Type 1
Egypt 162,000 38,000,000 143 Type 1
Bolivia 140,400 26,278,135 156 Type 1
Peru 122,221 16,301,370 170 Type 1
USA 112,000 105,000,000 1,100 Type 1, 3, 4
Russia 100,053 28,750,000 250 Type 1
Germany 94,890 14,600,000 900 Type 1, 3, 4
Venezuela 90,000 8,152,054 166 Type 1