We are entering a crisis period where availability of clean & sustainable energy source, potable water & disruptive technology will give leverage to a Nation in general & mankind in whole.

95% of the countries worldwide are gross importers of energy which is required to sustain their economies thereby causing a huge drainage to their exchequer.

This amount can be distributed in other socially relevant projects & can be utilized in enhancing & upgrading the quality of life of the citizens.

Conventional fossil fuel is expected to exhaust itself within the next 30 years, besides it brings on the additional burden of harmful emissions.

World’s 4th – largest energy consumer

India's energy demand is expected to double to 1,516 Mtoe by 2035 from 723.9 Mtoe in 2016.

Moreover, the country's share in globle primary energy consumption is projected to increase by 2 folds by 2035

4th – largest consumer of oil and petroleum products

India’s consumption of petroleum products grew 5.31 per cent to 204.992 MMT in 2017-18/ from 194.5597 MMT in FY17.

India was 3rd largest consumer of crude oil and petroleum products in the world in 2016.

We are also facing an imminent crisis of potable water with major cities have already started to feel the problem firsthand.


We at CleanGREEN as a socially responsible organisation would like to address the issues with technically superior solutions coupled with a frugal approach to cater to the general public.

CleanGREEN would like to address the raring crisis points with a dedicated & proven approach on the following;
⦁ Clean & Sustainable Energy
⦁ Potable Water Generation
⦁ Technology Enhancer

The Vision of the organisation is to propagate class defining technology which would address the above segments with a socially relevant approach.

The technology would be a game changer in the generation & supply of Clean & Sustainable Energy to the automotive & industrial sector.